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Sunday, 3 July 2016

Water Treatment

Water Treatment

Water Treatment – Water protection found to be of great importance after water source; to be next barrier to potable water system contamination; these treated water processes which play a significant role in water safety include disinfection and physical of total or partial removal of contaminant. Control Measure can take the form of Pre-treatment, Sedimentation, Flocculation, Coagulation,

Filtration and Disinfection. Pre-treatment involve processes such as roughly filtered, off-stream storage with bank side filtration which can thereby decrease and alleviate microbial with particulate load and natural organic substances. Flocculation, coagulation, filtration and flotation escape particle and microorganism from water; it now essential to optimize the processes and control to yield consistence and reliable performance.

Chemical method of coagulation found to be most importance ways in determine the clarification processes and coagulation removal efficiency of which in turn determine the granular media filtration removal efficiency; while a failure in coagulation processes could lead to an increase microbial load accessing drinking water (WHO, 2008).

The following are methods of water treatment:
  1. Boiling

    Boiling eliminate all form of disease organisms (Protozoan Parasite or Bacteria) usually found in water. This method found to be useful in an emergency situation where convectional treatment methods will be difficult to adopt and all others disease causing bacteria can be removed this fund to be tedious on consumers particularly where there is no availability of sterile condition storage (Ukpebor, 2010).

2. Chlorination

Chloride of lime compound or calcium hypochlorite is used to disinfectant the drinking water which found to be the most active and convectional disinfectant among the consumers. The problem associated with chlorination is to ensure that the application is conducted by the rightful technical officers in order to regulate the uniform application of the compound to all portion of the water to be treated, selection of dose of chlorine to meet the require need for specific water treatment, and overall control of chlorination to produce safe portable water with good aesthetic (NAFDAC, 2013).

3. Ozone

Ozonation is an effective and attractive method of disinfecting, removal of taste and odour from the water. Ozone needed to be generated by passing thoroughly filtered and dried air through tube or within the plants where high voltage electric discharge present, changing part of the air to ozone (NAFDAC, 2013).

4. Distillation

Distillation could be a reverse of boiling. Distillation processes involve vaporizing boiling water in a compartment. The clean steam is been annexed and non volatile contaminant is leaves behind. The vapour is converging in a close unit where it’s cooled back to liquid water. The liquid later distillate drips in a storage tank; salt, metal and others sediment that fail to evaporate will be maintained in the distiller; thereby completely removed. The Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) is likely to be the most contaminant that will evaporate with the water vapour and condense; in essence distiller must contain vapour trap, carbon filter with other devices that will ensure the total removal of contaminants (Ukpebor, 2010).

5. Iron and Alum Coagulation

Flocculation and coagulation treatment with iron, alum with others coagulant necessitate technical skills and knowledge to improve the treatment circumstances. Such is usually considered by the authorities to perform in a central specialized services environment by qualified officers. This treatment referred; it’s not likely reliable at point of use to be performed in treating water in a household. In essence, the relative high costs of alum and limited availability of ferric salt and alum is great challenges for this technology at household level to be widespread implement. Potash alum have been evaluated in the past research when adding to the water at 500mg/l and contamination of fecal coliform was curtail by 90-98% and treated water acceptance was high (WHO, 2013).

6. Water Filter

There are diverse of water filters model manufacture by various companies throughout the world; since filtration method is of various types and combinations of many methods used. The filters are fairly simple with basic condition behind it. The contaminant are retained from passing physically either by screening them out through the filter with very small pores or by trapping them; when talk about the carbon filters; these are done in the filter matrix by trapping it within and attracting them towards the carbon particle surfaces (Ukpebor, 2010).

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