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Wednesday, 15 February 2017





This project is on ‘’An Evaluation of the Effect of Human Resource Development on Organizational Productivity’’ with particular emphasis on Gitto Construction Company, Lokoja; The research work is divided into five chapter with each chapter linking the other. The objectives of the research is to identify the importance of human resource development as a means of achieving great performance in an organization. Two methods of data collection were used i.e. the primary and secondary sources of data and the data was analyzed using simple percentage method for easy understanding. The findings showed that after being trained as an employee on a particular job, some workers were not given enough time to justify their training and experience before they were transferred to another job. At the end of the research, it was recommended that Gitto Construction Company Nigeria Limited should not see the capital invested in this area as a waste. Rather, they should see it as an investment and that human resources should be transparent with those employees that have not attended long term training programme.




Organizational efficiency and effectiveness simply imply the need for establishment of organized structures for higher productivity and the achievement of the stated objectives of such organization. One method of organizing higher productivity is for the human resources to be strengthened by the way of workforce to acquire skills. This underscores the need for training as well as manpower development. We know that the effectiveness of an organization in achieving the stated objectives is dependent on many variables. Training is undertaken in order that human potentials may be realized and utilized to the maximum advantage of the organization. This can also be utilized more fully to the mutual benefits of the individual organization, its immediate community and the world at large.

Training is therefore, regarded as a process of developing an individual in order to increase his performance standards with a given job, occupation, trade, profession etc. In fact, every organization must regard training of the employees as a paramount responsibility if it requires them to perform competently and become adaptable to its need and aspirations. Training therefore prepares the employees adequately for job and assist the employees to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudinal needs in their current jobs. It also prepares them for management succession and promotion to higher responsibilities. The need therefore, for training cannot be over emphasized.


Organization regardless of their types, sizes and functions require their staff to possess certain skills if the organization must achieve its objectives. However, the skills required of the organizational staff include; manual, technical, social and conceptual, all of which can be learnt in order to cope with various types of problems in the organization.

The Gitto Construction Company Nigeria Limited, has a great responsibility as the only organization in Nigeria that has been providing the higher quality construction work in Nigeria. It therefore follows that for the company to function effectively, it should adequately train its staff to cope with various responsibilities and challenges of contemporary civil and construction engineering. Unfortunately, there is no adequate arrangement to train the staff before they join this construction company. The training envisages for this company should be such that reflects the nature and functions of each category of staff. These staff of the company therefore require administrative, technical, and professional training to be able to function effectively and efficiently. In order to achieve this result, there is great need to have systematic and effective training programme for the staff of Gitto Construction Company Nigeria Limited, Headquarters, located in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory.

Despite the availability of resources, the study is therefore geared to investigating the cause of under achieving optimum utilization of staff, as it is necessary to train and deploy them to various departments according to their knowledge and skills.


The objective of this research work is on the role of Gitto Construction Company Nigeria Limited in promoting training development of staff for future challenges. However, the aims of this work is to focus on the objective as highlighted below.

  1. To recommend appropriate solutions to the problems of human resources management in the organization.
  2. To identify the importance of human resources development as a means of achieving the great performance in an organization.
  3. To identify any weaknesses or inappropriate practices in human resources development. As it affects Gitto Construction Company Nigeria Ltd.


The significance of this study lies in generating a spirit of enquiries into some of the causes of ineffective human resources development.

It is through human resources that every organization become an open system, interacting with elements in the external environment. Organization growth and development can not be achieved without effective human resources.

On the human resources development of this study, it will be of significance value to the Nigeria, Gitto Construction Company Nigeria Ltd., and other organizations in decision making policy.

The research will also be of great importance to the management and staff of Gitto Construction Company Nigeria Ltd.

Finally, it will provide the means of solving the problems facing Gitto Construction Company Nigeria Ltd., and the possible solutions.


In any scientific research carried out in management science or many of the social sciences disciplines, we need to set out with hypothesis or an assumption.

Hypothesis is a tentative statement about something that is subject to verification as proposition has been drawn to be tested for the validity.

Hi:   Alternative hypothesis: That human resources development does enhance effective performance and high productivity in the business organization.

Ho:  Null hypothesis: The human resources development does not enhance effective performance and high productivity in business organizations.

Hi: Human resources development has some impacts on the achievement of organizational goals and objectives

Ho: Human resources development has no impact on the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.


The study covers An Evaluation Into the Effect of Human Resources Development on Organizational Productivity which focuses on Gitto Construction Company Nigeria Limited, Lokoja. The inability to cover Gitto Construction Company in other areas of the country is mainly because of constraints of time and cost.


This research work is strictly restricted due to some problems facing and the degree of severeness varies from one research to another.

Some of the problems faced in this research work includes:

  1. Time limitation affects the attainment of the work
  2. Financial constraints: This leads to the difficulty in the achievement of this research work.
  3. Failure to return questionnaire by the respondents
  4. Difficulty in collecting accurate data and analyzing them were not easy as some responses given by the respondents were not relevant to the topic of the research.
  5. Delay of vital information as respondents are afraid to disclose in details some helpful information that can assist this research work.


CENTRAL TENDENCY: It is a situation where an evaluator tends to rate all employees within a range.

RANKING: This is to compare one person with others for the purpose of placing them in a simple ranking order of work.

GRADING: This is a system whereby certain categories of work are established in advance and carefully defined.

GRAPHIC SEALES: This is a techniques whereby an individual is assessed on factors such as initiatives, dependability, cooperativeness, attitude, foresight, and output of work etc.

MANAGEMENT BY PERFORMANCE (M.B.P): Is an approach that tends to emphasize participative and join determination of objectives followed by participative and joint evaluation of success in periodic appraisal.


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Urbanization caused by the combined expansion of population and urban areas poses many problems (Olusegun Aremu and Etol 1966:25).

i. Unemployment: Unless urban growth can be matched by commercial and industrial development, many people will not be gainfully employed in the cities, the urban authorities have to be constantly on the watch for development opportunities by offering attractive terms and economic stabilities for foreign investors to channel their investments in the city and sub urban areas. Facilities should be created to teach the people at the various skills in the industrial and commercial field so that the investors can be assured of the right people to make their investment grow.

ii. Housing: In a congested city, housing can be an acute problem. Scarcity of living accommodation can push up rental rates to exorbitant heights, as has happened in Lagos, Port-Harcourt, Abuja etc. living quarter can be a health hazard, especially in slums and squatter area.

iii. Traffic congestion: Large cities, within millions of inhabitants who have to live, work and move about invariably suffer from congestion on roads.

All kind of conversance, cars, buses, trains trucks, railways, motorcycle and bicycles jam the transport network and slow down movement. This is particularly serious during the rush hours of the morning, lunch time and home-going period as well as in the evenings when there are again many people on the streets going to restaurants and cinemas etc.

iv. Poor management: According to Mabogunje (2002:102), the cities, as is to be expected, have become the major destination of short distance migration from their immediate rural areas and long distance migration from the parts of the country. A city, like any economic organization, requires qualified enlightened and experience management to function effectively and profitably.

v. Environmental deforestation: Deforestation overcrowding always lead to drop a living standards. A large population in a small area puts a tremendous pressure on such every day matters as the disposal of sewage and garbage, and the provision of water supply, electricity social and recreational facilities, smoke from kitchens, factories and cars pollute the air and increase health hazard. The rise from traffic and the industrial site is often excessive and makes town life unpleasant with the increase in the urban sprawl.


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People do not just migrate from one place to another without a reason or a cause; existing literatures reveals that people migrate for settlement, to seek for refugee as a result of war, for trading activities for inter-marriage.

These, among others are the old and some present causes of migration. Some of these are identified by Ugofi Anyaele (2006:63-11) some of the causes of migration are as follows:
a. Employment opportunity
b. Infrastructural reasons
c. Structural reasons
d. Commercial reasons
e. Educational reasons
f. Communication reasons
g. Economic reasons

In a recent years, many towns have experienced rapid population increase from large number of people who flock into towns for one reason to another some of these reasons can be explained below:

a. Employment reason: It is believed that in the urban centres, there are specialists in various professions, as the rural fork image/guess. Immediately after their into the urban area for employment opportunities are far greater in urban acities, than the rural areas whether in shops, offices factories entertainment or other public services.

b. Infrastructural facilities: The level of development in the rural areas cannot be compared to that of the urban areas. This is due to the fact that in urbanize areas, there are facilities which attract rural people such as recreational centres, standard health care services (hospitals), pipe-borne water, cinema houses hotels electricity and mortorable road.

c. Structural reasons: The system of building houses in the rural areas is far outdated compared to that of the urbanized areas. Modern facilities for building houses are used in the urban cities unlike the rural areas where the building structure are cracking molded with clay and trash roofing.

d. Educational reasons: This urban areas are known to have standard institutions like universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, health technology institution etc. the rural students who wish to further their education come to the urban centres.

e. Communication/information reasons: The rural areas are known for retard development is rapid as a result of implementing government policies. Today, the world is in computer age where modern technology is attaining advancement and people are fast adopting system.

But in the urban areas experience improvement in the standard of living absence of inflation, improved infrastructural facilities and increase in national income or Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P)

Also industrialization helps the economy of the nation. All the industries sited pay certain tax to the government, some percentage to the government of the day (state level). Where industries are situated, it provides employment opportunities to the citizens. Other developmental aspect live the sitting of banks insurance companies, transportation and trading activities are not farfetched.







Man is a social being who cannot stay in a place according to William’s theory on clash of pyramids. This is especially were most things needed are not in site.

The fulani’s who are known to be the normadic people migrated from Mali according to Mgbogunje (1996). These people settled where they found green vegetation to feed their cattle. They keep moving and taking refuge from one place to another in search of betterment. People who now form communities, state and countries today were migrant from one continent or the other.

The major problem facing Lokoja local government area of Kogi State and some other parastatals of similar magnitude is not merely the scarcity of well trained manpower but their inability to effectively utilize the skill of the few available one’s. The ability to manage involves a lot more than the technical and conceptual skills, and this has to do with the managers ability to work and interact effectively with other members of the organization. In order to spur other members of the organization to strive willingly to accomplish the organizational task, the administrator who manages people must be able to put in place the necessary motivational techniques which can galvanize subordinate to low productivity. The level of productivity is therefore determined by individual rewards and needs.


Over years, people have showed considerable concern from all walks of life for the development of rural areas both in advanced and developing countries. The crux of the matter, however, is that the new nations of west Africa with particular reference to Nigeria have given priority to their urban population as they leave the rural population frustrated in such areas as provision of social amenities, recreational centres or facilities, higher education, and employment opportunities among others.

This has led to the problem of rural migration, which this research is designed to address. The problem that causes rural urban migration is slated below: poor access road, poor school/colleges, high level of poverty, lack of recreational centres, poor electricity etc.


The topic of this research project will be treated within the cycle of the case study but other relevant issues concerning the topic outside the case study will be used to compare or justify the topic as wide range phenomenon.

It will look at the effects of rural urban migration both on the case study and outside the case study in general.

Relevant solutions to the problems of rural areas will be preferred.


The main objectives of the following can be seen in the below:

  1. To throw more light on the rural infrastructural development as a solution to rural urban migration
  2. To encourage people to stay and develop their communities
  3. To suggest way by which rural urban migration can be checked and minimized and reduced to the barest minimum
  4. To suggest ways by which the government can encourage the development of rural areas.


For the purpose of satisfying the demands of this study, the following research questions are to be looked into:

  1. Does the provision of rural infrastructure cause any reduction in rural-urban migration?
  2. Does rural-urban migration cause inefficiency in public service?
  3. Does low financial capacity cause rural urban migration?
  4. How can we solve the problems of rural areas so as to stop mad rush to urban centre?
  5. How can we control rural-urban migration?


Research of this kind is important in many ways to a good number of people, government and other developmental institutions.

Firstly, it will add value to an existing literature on rural development and urbanization.

Secondly, it will assist all students within the realm of social science particularly those in public administration and regional planning department.

Thirdly, the study will be of immense value to government particularly the policy makers at all level on how best to develop rural areas.

Finally, other people who may wish to conduct research on rural-urban migration as it affects educational development at the rural level will equally find this work very helpful or useful.


In this process of embarking on this research study, the following problem were encountered.

  1. Time factor: There was no adequate time for the researcher to cope with the demands of the study
  2. Information: This researcher was unable to get adequate information in the course of the study
  3. Geographical location: This is also another limitation of this rigorous work. That is, the researcher does not have adequate time to travel from one geographical location to the other
  4. Financial problem: Lack of adequate fund is also another problem of this rigorous work.


The following key terms will be defined briefly:

  1. Development: Emize (1979) See development as involving progression, movement and of advance towards something better. Its improvement on the material and non material aspect of life.
  2. Effects: Simply mean the result of an action, the outcomes, the impression produced (Chambers mini dictionary of mark costable 1989).
  3. Migration: According to Ayodele (1995), it is the movement of people from one place e.g. village to cities are towns, or movement from one country to another country.
  4. Solution: According to Oxford mini dictionary (1999), it simply refers to remedy to rural diseases or trouble
  5. Rural infrastructural development: This simply mean creation of infrastructures that assist in developing a place such as dam, road, communication network, electricity etc.
  6. Rural area: This is an area that lack some development maturity e.g. in population size, occupation, communication, information, education system, nature etc.


This study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction to research project, other sub-headings in chapter one are background to the study, statements of the problem, research questions, scope of the study, limitation and definitions of terms, were discussed in details in chapter one.

Chapter two bothers on review of related literature.

Chapter three of the project is research methodology where the researcher shows the methods used to obtain data and samples.

In chapter four, the presentation and analysis of data was done in tables as the findings of the researcher.

Finally, chapter five of this work deals with summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations.


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According to Egwu (2002), poverty in Nigeria is a huge challenge. It exist in both relative, absolute and subjective form. Ideally there is a fixed level, usually known as the poverty line, below which poverty began and above which it tends. This concept is known as absolute poverty. While relative poverty are standard which are relative to the particular time and place. However, subjective poverty refers to whether or not an individual or group fee feel they are poor

More so, several scholars have attempted to operationalize poverty in which it can be measured. According to Remi M. (2007), poverty may be understood as an aspect of unequal social status and inequitable social relationship, experience as exclusion, dependency and diminished capacity to participate or to develop meaningful connections with other people in the society. He went further to say, poverty cannot deprivation of the means of subsistence. The manifestations of poverty includes inadequate distribution of resources, lack of access to basic social services like education and health care, food scarcity, low life expectancy and lack of participation in decision making process. The social aspect of poverty may include lack of access to information education, health care and political power.

According to James O. (2007), he substantiate on United Nations reports of 2002 that extreme poverty implies living on less than one US dollars ($1) per day and moderate poverty as living on less than two US dollars ($2) a day. Nigerian has a high unemployment rate, so poverty in Nigeria include deprivation of common necessities that determine the quality of life, lack of food, clothing, shelter and safety drinking water, and may also include the deprivation of opportunities to learn and to obtain better employment.

Therefore, poverty in Nigeria also have specific urban and rural manifestation. The depth of poverty in Nigeria is well recognized as it is known that two-third (2/3) of Nigeria live below the globally accepted poverty line as reported by World Bank. Nigeria poverty dramatized the paradox of the African reality where most of the citizens of a resources endowed countries are subjected to all mannered of materials and non materials deprivations.

To Egwu and Omale (2007), without covering the arbitrary intellectual space of defining poverty, it is important to suggest that there are several index used in the measurement of poverty. Those includes human poverty index, human development index, gender development index looks at related issues such as life expectance, education, material acquisition and infant mortality rate. While human poverty index concentrates on calculating deprivation in terms of ‘’connectivity’’ (survival rates) ‘’knowledge’’ (rate of literacy)’’ access to basic services (standard of living).

Furthermore, the endemic poverty is widely shared across the six (6) geopolitical zones in Nigeria for instance, there is a death of medical personnel on the ratio of doctors to populations, while the national average is one (1) doctor to 40,000 people, the ratio in the Niger Delta is a Doctor to 232,000 people in the rural areas. Meanwhile, only 27% of the Niger Delta people have access to clean drinking water, while 305 have access to electricity, 6% have access to telephone and 7% have never used telephone. However, this situation confirms the saying that ‘’poverty anywhere constitute a danger to prosperity any where’’.

According to Townsend P. (2004), in Tinuke (2012), poverty is seen in terms of per capital income, per capital energy consumption, strategy staples as a percentage of calories consumed, life expectancy, instant mortality and the number of inhabitants per physician.

Poverty is a macro problem. The causes are so wide as they are deep also. The World Development Report (2002/2001) observed that some of key reason why people from most part of the world are poor and remain poor includes the following political instability natural disaster, corruption, socio-economic disparities and prejudice, lack of access to education, lack of infrastructural facilities, acute condition like welfare agricultural cycle, subsistence farming and productions, draught and flooding, hurricane and environmental forces.

To Eguw (2007), these include the causes of poverty in Kogi State.
i. Unemployment
ii. Under employment
iii. Death of break-winner in a family
iv. Polygamous family
v. Corruption and leadership problem in Kogi State.

He equally said, poverty in Nigeria has a specific gender dimension in the sense that the incidence of poverty are high among women than men.

This reality familiarizing of poverty is explained by this relative lack of access to capital and other means of production including land. The implication of this is that, any effort aims at challenging poverty must take into account of gender dimension. Other dimension of poverty includes low nutritional status, low level of education, and decline in spending on social activities, high percentage of household income spent on food and low life expectancy.

Sunday, 12 February 2017





This research work titled ‘’Analysis of Strategies for Employment Generation in Kogi State’’ will be conducted to identify cause of unemployment in Kogi State, to find out the impact of unemployment in Kogi State, also, analyzed strategies for employment generation in Kogi State. And the research work shall be aiming at proffering reliable solution to the problem of unemployment in Kogi State, the sample size of this research work shall consist of about 89 personnel’s but 80 will be given questionnaires to respond to these 80 personnel’s will be selected from the eight (8) department in the Ministry of Education being my case study. The instrument to be used in collecting data shall be self developed questionnaires. The data collection will be analyzed based on simple percentage of the responses and each respondents will be expecting to respond to each statement according to the five (5) responses categories strongly agreed (SA) agreed (A) undecided (U) strongly disagreed (SD) and disagreed(D). the result of the analysis show that government effort towards job creation is not encouraging. Base on finding, it will be recommended that all agencies at all levels of government should be involved in job creation. The government in collaboration with private sector should develop programmes to link education and training to employment youth empowerment being one of the transformation agenda of the governor, Capt. Idris Ichalla Wada should be implemented for prosperous Kogi State.




The term unemployment came to be known as far back as men realize that he cannot always produce all that he needs and therefore, most have to depend on others to satisfy his desires.

However, as human civilization progressed from one stage to another, the needs of individual also increased from one level to another.

Human history shows that human society has been witnessing transition from one socio-economic system to another such as feudalism, capitalism, socialism and communalism.

With the process of transition is in varying degree from one society to another, it is never absent in any society.

Any socio economic system being practiced any society has its own implications on employment. This is why most early writers on the concept of employment came from capitalist countries and their workers are dated back to industrial revolution period in the 17th century.

Another prominent author that has done extensive work concerning employment is Keynes (1936). he was motivated to write as a result of world economic crisis of 1930’s i.e. economic depression which affected the capitalist countries greatly and resulted in alarming rate of unemployment.

His general theory of employment interest and money later came to be known as ‘’Keynesian Theory’’ which is still widely in use of till date.

In Kogi State, the history of employment as a public problem is dated back to the creation of the state but reach its peak after creation of the state as a result of hopes brought by creation of the state.

Contemporary writers in Kogi State pay little attention to issue of unemployment sine the discovery of cement in commercial quantity, the focus of Kogi State writers mischief as a result of cement discovery which has resulted to their write-up being focused to issues concerning cement such as derivation formula, cement spillage etc most employment generation policies adopted by Kogi State government are mare camouflage than plan with intent purpose to solve the problem on ground.

This is the reason for the failure of these policies and this is responsible for continuous increase in the unemployment rate in most Kogi cities like Dekina, Ankpa, Idah, Ofu etc. where the spill over effects in unemployment such as social vices (i.e. robbery attack, 419 activities, Yahoo boys and prostitution etc) and crimes are on the increases.


The lackadaisical attitude exhibited by the government towards the problem of unemployment has worsened the crime situation in Kogi State. As the effort of government is not encouraging in addition, the multiplier effects of unemployment can never be fully mentioned and explained in this research work as the list seems to be exhaustive. This is because problems are not being properly handled by government in Kogi State over the years. This research work hopes to bring out ways in which solution to this scourge of unemployment can help tremendously in solving the problems.


Based on the major operational element of the study, the following questions will form the basis of the investigation.

  1. What are the factors or causes of the rising level of unemployment in Kogi State?
  2. What is the effect of unemployment in Kogi State
  3. What strategies are currently being used by the state government to increased the level of employment and how effective are they?
  4. What suitable strategies can the state government adopt to increase employment generation in Kogi State?


In any research work, the setting out of clearly defined occupies a very crucial position; this work is not an exception. It is to

  1. Indentify causes of unemployment in Kogi State
  2. Find out the impact of unemployment in Kogi State
  3. Analyze strategies for employment generation in Kogi State
  4. Proffer viable solution to problems of unemployment in Kogi State.


Identifying the strategies for job creation in Kogi State is very vital to the economic development of the state as a whole.

This research work will be of tremendous advantage to the teeming unemployed youth that are directly suffering from lack of unemployment opportunities in Kogi State, this is because the findings of this will direct and focus their attention to possible area of employment opportunities.

This research work is very significant because it would still be useful to other students in higher institution of teeming an those in business school in particular in the sense that it will serve as a point of reference to any students that may wish to write on related project topic in future. However, the findings of this research work will be of significance to those involved in employment generation. This is because the research work shall be bring to limelight both the problem of employment generation and their solutions.

Finally, the findings of this research work will also be important to the general public in the sense that it will help in reducing the problem of unemployment in general.


This research work covers strategies for employment generation in Kogi State. It is restricted to activities of state Ministry of Education, Lokoja and takes a look at the constraints encountered by the ministry in discharging this responsibility, how it has limited their performance and possible way out. The study will also cover at the causes, effects and solutions to the problems of unemployment in Kogi State between 2010 to date.


This project work is limited to Kogi State Ministry of Education as the case study and it is hoped that findings of this project will be expanded to other institutions that are involved in employment generation in Kogi State. It is in line with this fact that a bid to achieving any task, one is bound to encounter some problems in stage on stage or the other, some of the constraints in this write up were never envisaged for and it was shocking and surprising to have ever experience such;

Some of the problems faced in the attempt to complete this study include finance, in this period of economic meltdown. The impact of financial constraints on a study of this magnitude can not be over emphasized. This is particularly so when one realize that the cost of transportation, writing materials.

Time constraints. That the researcher has to combine this study with her normal academic work, the gravity of time constraints on this work would be appreciated.

Another constraints is lack of up-to-date information, the researcher was not able to lay hands on materials that contained the current development on employment generation and questionnaire were not properly filled by the respondents despite the instruction given to them.

Despite the above mentioned constraints, the findings of the true picture of issues surrounding employment generation in Kogi State as a whole.


Some of the operational terms definitions are given below:

Labour: Labour as a factor of production refers to all forms of human efforts put into utilized in production. It also refers to man’s mental and physical exertion in the process of production.

Industrialization: Is the process of establishing or increasing productive activities, such as those engaged in extracting raw materials from nature, manufacturing or processing raw materials in finished or semi-finished goals, constructing or building capital projects and assembling some parts into whole products.

Productivity: Productivity is the result of the commitment and enhancement which the employee put towards production process which yield greater output for efficiency, effectiveness (Salami C.G. 2012).


This research work is arranged into five chapters. Chapters one comprises of introduction, background of the study, statement of the problems as it relates to the research topic, objectives of the study which talks about the main aims the researcher intends to achieve in writing the project, significance of the study, definitions of terms and organizations of the study.

Chapter two of the research work focus mainly on literature review. The third chapter shall concentrate mainly on research methodology and design.

Chapter four focus on data presentation and analysis.

Chapter five is the last chapter which serves as the concluding part of the project with viable recommendations for further research.


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This research work titled ‘’Leadership Styles and their Impact on Organizational Productivity’’ using Obajana Cement Factory as a case study. The research work is divided into five chapters with the first chapter focusing problems which necessitate the exercise as well as the objectives and the significant impact of study. The chapter two which is normally termed as review of literature has to do with discussion of where relevant to the field being researcher into. Thus, attempt was made by the researcher at reviewing books, journals or prevails and attracts relevant to the topic in particular and Obajana cement factory Plc in general. In chapter three, the research methods employed by the researchers in gathering data includes both primary and secondary methods as well as random sampling techniques for analyzing response receiving from the field. A research population sample of thirty (30) human elements drawn from both the organizations leadership and staff were chosen for the study and upon who are analyzed, discussed and findings deductively summarized. Finally, the last chapter is summary conclusion and recommendations where stating points as adduced in chapter two and three of the write up are re-emphasized thereafter recommending possible ways/means of solving leadership problems.




The success or failure of any organization be it at home level, private company, government or an educational institution depend on how it is managed. This means that there must be capable hands at the top to coordinate the efforts of the subordinates towards the attainment of the individual and for organizational goods. The coordination of efforts based on an effective system of communication which has to flow freely within and between all sectors of the organization.

However, the ones is on the organization’s leadership to ensure that these objectives are achieved. One of the most leadership. Important roles to be played are that of leadership. Although, the people at the top are addressed by different names like managers, directors, sole administrators, if certain yet their functions remains basically the same i.e the management of available human and specific resources towards the attainment of specific goals.

The organization image depends on how effective it is managed and administered.

Hence, these are need for authority structures defined according to roles and objectives of the organization. It is the authority structures that invariably steers, guides, directs, coordinates and indeed pilot the affairs of the organizations. By implication, there, the success or otherwise of the organization to a large extent depends on these structures. This contention is incomplete without Lucky, R. (1986) when she said ‘’the styles of supervision are more important in achieving better results than any more general factors such as job interests and loyalty towards the organization ‘’ therefore, authority structures (leadership styles) are the subject of investigation. In this research study, meanwhile, leadership can be conducted on leadership have concluded that the style of leadership depends on three factors.

  1. The leaders attitude
  2. The individual subordinates characteristics as well as the characteristics of the group and
  3. The situation in which the leader finds himself.

The nation’s premises and gigantic Obajana Cement Factory Plc. Kogi State located in Obajana Lokoja local government of Kogi State.

It is in view of the negative effects of leadership styles and their implications on organizational productivity that I am prompted to carry out research in the field work is a furtherance of such other research done in this field.

It is equally aimed at analyzing the causes of industrial disharmony and its negative impact on the productivity of an organization concerned.

Obajana Cement Company Plc, Kogi State is used as a case study because, the company constitute the nucleus of the industrial base of Kogi State.


The personality of the styles adopted, the situation under which he separate and above all the subordinates he/she deals with influences the organization leadership drives in achieving maximum efficiency and effectiveness of real goals for which the organization was established.

Modern administrative leadership especially those in public organization faces problems of varying degree and magnitude in public organizations obviously have problems of ineffective leadership based on the fact that many of the subordinates are not given formidable examples to follow. For instance, while some leaders have patience and tolerance for ambiguity in dealing with their subordinates while, some play truancy when it comes to control and guidance.

In the private sector, promotion, placement and selection process are sometimes inconsistent and selection process are sometimes inconsistent with set down rules and regulations, these assertions, one can authoritatively say that there is lack of seriousness towards official responsibilities, improper guidance, supervision and control exercised on the subordinates. It therefore means that when the right calibres of staff are occupying the right officers/positions definitely these are every tendency to succeed and vice versa.

Finance like blood that runs through vain is the backbone of any organization under consideration like other public corporation in Nigeria faces problems of inadequate funds to execute us laudable objectives. Coupled with these facts is the inconsistency in policy implementation on the part of the management in particulars and the government in general. Furthermore, the recognition is not an exception of the activities of industrial union in Nigeria. At times, the activities of industrial unions as a result of managerial lapses pose serious problems to the organization. In most cases, issues are not usually concluded through negotiation and or dialogue thus constituting challenge to the organization undoubtedly, the outcome of such irreconcilable interests is as exemplified in the series of industrial activities witnessed in recent times. It is on these notes that the researcher deemed it fit to venture the adventure of discovering the root cause, recommending means of improving the organization’s productivity and proffering lasting solutions to these challenges.


  1. Does leadership style has any adverse effect on the level of production in your organization?
  2. Is leadership style an automatic one that can be effectively and efficiently coordinate in your organization
  3. Does growth prospect have direct link with the leadership style in your organization?
  4. Does growth prospects irrespective of the leadership style subjected to situational factor in your organization?


The objective of the study amongst other is to critically look into the authority structure of the organization leadership, in other words, the study is aimed at finding out whether the style of leadership at the said organization constitutes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the production process and the staff in particular. Other salient aims and objectives include the following:

  1. Evaluate the leadership styles of both past and present management leadership.
  2. To state the extent to which the leadership and hint have been able to relate with their subordinates.
  3. To determine the managerial responsibilities of managers and/or directors of the organization and low effective. They carry out such responsibilities.
  4. To identify problem areas of leadership that hinders effective organizational management.
  5. To make recommendations in low best to achieve higher productivity through effective leadership style.


The research study is of importance to all organizations and Obajana Cement Factory in particular.

All organization either public or non governmental have leaders with varying degree of approach to leadership styles and roles performed more importantly the study helps in determining how well these roles are carried out as regards to their duties which could either stabilize or de-stabilized productive organizations.

Meanwhile, the study is very relevant and timely especially as modern organizations are becoming more complex and sophisticated. The researchers strongly believe that the study can lead to the understanding of general administration in organization; thereby indicating areas of weaknesses and strength which either militate or help in achieving effective leadership within the hierarchical structures of an organization.

Finally, it will also helps in correcting some anomalies and imbalances in the leadership styles and suggesting ways of improving on them. Consequently, by so doing, it helps in inculcating in them the ability to identify what it takes to be a leader and the ideal theories of leadership, roles, qualities and behaviours/styles to be adapted. Lastly, the wrong notion held by many persistent leadership shall be corrected in their study.


The research study is entitled ‘’leadership styles and their implication on organization productivity’’ and it is limited to Obajana Cement Factory, especially the intension of the researcher is to examine deeply the management styles of one of the nations cement factory locates in Obajana Lokoja local government area of Kogi State and perhaps evaluate their inputs on the organization productivity.

As an academic exercise, the study especially sampled the organization leadership and staff as population to be considered in the course of the study. This is made so n the order to enable the researcher narrow down the study within a controllable or limit. More so, the study is made more relevant not because the company relies mostly on expatriates and firms like Dumex and Julius Berger in the construction and operation of the cement factory but how their on the departure of these expatriate will affect the organization productive capacity. (2007 to date).


In a research study of this nature especially where the existence of the object of study is relatively new, one is bound to be confronted with various problems ranging from inadequate data lack of proper record keeping, inadequate fund, non-availability of key offices and sectional heads to grant interview, and the convenience of official bureaucracy in getting information from organization on of this nature. Obviously, such technical works of officials secret affect the free flow of information which would have been useful for deterred analysis of data.

The researcher is particularly saddled with the problem of overlapping of time and period allocated for the research work with the actual academic exercise to parent details four of a large organization of this picture. Finally, the fact that human being are not hundred percent perfect the researcher is never an exception and therefore all the importations observed are solely mine.


        Operational definitions of some technical concepts or terms are well defines so as to graphically dive home the impact of the study to the end users. Some of such terms are giving below:

LEADERSHIP: According to Cole, (1976), leadership is a dynamic process, at work in group whereby one individual over a particular period of time and in particular organizational context, influences the other group members to commit themselves freely to the achievement of the group tasks or goals.

ORGANIZATION: The process of putting people into jobs and grouping jobs together into departments whereby duties and responsibilities are delegated to qualified staff so that the works or functions of management are carried out as planned.

STYLE: This is a systematic manner/way of doing performing, presenting or carrying out leadership functions and/or roles in an organization.

IMPLICATION: The resultant consequences of any leadership style theory and type adopted. In other words, it is the outcome of whichever behaviour/ styles exhibited by the leadership of the organization.

PRODUCTIVITY: The ration of output of goods and services to the units of the resources. Hence, it is a measure of low well these resources are being utilized (1988:45)


The research work is divided into five chapters with the first chapter focusing problems which necessitate the exercise as well as the objectives and the significant impact of the study.

The chapter two which is normally termed as review literature has to do with discussion of where relevant to the field being researcherd into. Thus, attempt was made by the researcher at reviewing books, journals, or prevails and attracts relevant to the topic in particular and Obajana Cement Factory Plc in general.

In chapter three, the research methods employed by the researcher in gathering data includes both primary and secondary methods as well as random sampling techniques for analyzing response receiving from the field. A research population sample of thirty (30) human elements drawn from both the organizations leadership and staff were chosen for the study and upon who are analyzed, discussed and findings deductively summarized.

Finally, the last chapter is summary, conclusion and recommendations where stating points as adduced in chapter two and three of the write up are re-emphasized there after recommending possible way/means of solving leadership problems.



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